Bible by the Beach

The next Bible by the beach is 1st-4th May 2020

BBB Logo

Bible By The Beach aims to provide a high quality Bible teaching conference in a lively and contemporary style, with a secure platform (clearly conservative evangelical, reformed and gospel-centred) and with a warm-hearted, welcoming generosity, celebrating God's grace.

It aims to encourage, strengthen and equip the saints and build up the church through the clear, faithful and applied expounding/teaching of the Bible for all God's people, for all ages, based in Eastbourne but focusing on the whole south east region and beyond.

Gathering together in Eastbourne over the first May bank holiday weekend each year, 100s of Christians of all ages are encouraged, strengthened and equipped through clear, faithful and applied teaching of the Bible.  It attracts church groups, couples, families and individuals at all stages on their Christian journey.

The intent is to dig deep into God's word in the main Bible readings, work through the practical applications in a choice of seminar streams, and rejoice in the gospel together in our evening celebrations.

High quality music for the sung worship, a full children and youth programme, an extensive bookstall and exhibition area, and After Hours evening events are all part of the Bible by the Beach programme.

For more information see: